Voter Outreach: Special School Funding Local Election

Do you and your neighbors know there is a special election on June 4th, 2019?


Measure EE, a 16 cent per square foot parcel tax will be on the ballot. Funding from the measure is estimated to provide $500 million annually to LAUSD schools. 


Our vote is our voice. 


Join InnerCity Struggle’s voter outreach team and volunteer to ensure the Eastside’s voice is heard in this special election. 


Childcare and food will be provided. Volunteer today! 

May 18, 2019 at 9:00am - 2pm
InnerCity Struggle
530 S Boyle Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90033
United States
Google map and directions
Jessica Panduro · · (323) 780-7605

Will you come?