Current Campaigns

At InnerCity Struggle, we listen to the most urgent and pressing issues raised by our students, parents, and residents. Community organizing isn’t about one action. We take on concrete campaigns that we believe will bring an immediate positive change in our schools and communities. Our leaders organize their classmates and neighbors in service of a vision for a more powerful community.


Your participation is critical to building stronger schools, safer communities and a more powerful voice for the Eastside. Learn more about our current efforts to make a positive change in your neighborhood and get involved.


Student Equity Need Index 2.0

LAUSD’s longstanding definition of high and highest need schools didn’t go far enough. We know that access to equitable school funding is a critical factor to advancing our progress in closing the achievement gap for Eastside students. That’s why we built on our 2014 landmark “Equity is Justice” victory, and pushed the district to adopt a new formula for defining the schools most in need of critical resources.   

An equity-based student need index can effectively address the achievement gap.



As a member of the Equity Alliance for LA’s Kids, InnerCity Struggle has pushed the district to take into consideration environmental factors, community conditions and additional student achievement indicators when ranking school need. We believe this new formula will begin to address the decades of disinvestment to help put our students on an even playing field. When we help the students most in need, everyone wins.

LA Times: "School Board approves a new formula for funding high-need schools"

L.A. schools will soon get more money if they are located in neighborhoods with such problems as high levels of gun violence and asthma.

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Roosevelt High School Modernization


Separate But Not Equal

After decades of disinvestment, outdated technology and worn facilities at Roosevelt High School, we have organized to bring to life a multi-million dollar project to modernize school facilities. As we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the East LA walkouts, we’re proud to continue campaigns for equitable school resources and facilities for all students.

LA School Report: "Honor yesterday's Roosevelt High School heroes by giving today's students the modern high school they deserve."

An Op-Ed by Maria Brenes, InnerCity Struggle Executive Director

Comprehensive Wellness Center

InnerCity Struggle has successfully advanced an LAUSD Comprehensive Modernization Plan to bring to fruition quality school facilities to the Roosevelt community. A significant component of the victory includes a 5,000 square foot wellness center. Eastside students and parents were among the initial advocates that identified the link between physical, social and emotional health with academic success. We believe school-based comprehensive wellness centers are critical to moving forward student success and a thriving community.

From 1968 to 2018 - No More Delays

Recently, InnerCity Struggle parents and students have experienced opposition to the Modernization Plan from outside conversationist forces. Our students, parents and community members have been waiting more than 50 years to have access to equitable and quality facilities. We won’t give up now. Our campaign will continue to push the district to advance the Roosevelt Modernization project until it is fully realized.


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Schools & Communities First

Our schools and communities are in desperate need of funding now. In partnership with California Calls, we’re mobilizing voters across the state to pass the “California Schools and Local Communities Funding Act.” If passed, the act will restore $12 billion in funding for schools and community colleges. Los Angeles county will reclaim $3.7 Billion if proposition 15 passes this November.

Closing the Corporate Loophole

For decades, corporations haven’t been paying their fair share. This act will close the millionaire, billionaire, and big corporation tax loophole by requiring all commercial and industrial properties to be assessed at fair market value, putting California on par with how the vast majority of the country assesses similar properties.


It's time for corporations to pay their fair share.


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Felix Adamo

“Fight to Close State’s Commercial Property Tax Loophole”

An Op-Ed by Dolores Huerta

Associated Press/Lennox McLendon

“After tax cuts derailed the ‘California Dream,’ is the state getting back on track.”

An Op-Ed by Manuel Pastor
Source: The Conversation


Linked Learning 

Years ago, a high school diploma used to be enough. You could graduate from high school, get a living wage job with benefits and support a family. However, in today's competitive economy and job market, Eastside students are ill-prepared to compete in today’s job market. 

Linked Learning is an important solution to this problem.



Linked Learning upgrades outdated high school curriculum by connecting students to real-life work experiences in health care, engineering, art, law, the performing arts, and more. This innovative new program has been proven to have high results for low-income, Latinx students. Linked Learning students are more likely to attend school, pass college prep classes, improve their reading and math, and build their overall self-confidence.

Equitable Access 

The Los Angeles Unified School District already believes Linked Learning is an outstanding program to improve student achievement. InnerCity Struggle campaign's goal is to ensure equitable access to Linked Learning programs across LAUSD, including the Eastside. After the successful victory securing the adoption of the Student Equity Needs Index to provide added funding to the highest need schools, we are urging the Los Angeles Unified School District to direct the targeted schools to implement Linked Learning expansion with the new funds. 


We are also proud members of the Linked Learning Equity Council, where we work alongside education advocates to ensure school districts are implementing career pathways for the highest need students. 


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